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Joining CT Green LEAF Schools

Are you a PreK-12 school, public or private? CT Green LEAF Schools is a free assessment, tracking and recognition program that will meet you where you’re at.  It is designed to help you take action to achieve:


Becoming a CT Green LEAF School can help bring change to your school immediately

Our program offers a network of fellow educators, resources and partners that can support your journey.  When you’re ready we can guide you through the self-assessment which offers many pathways toward a more sustainable and just community.

Schools in Alliance districts, Title 1 schools, or schools that provide free/reduced lunch to 60% or more of their student population have the opportunity for additional support. This may include assistance in completing the Self-Assessment Tracking Tool, setting goals and measuring progress, as well as financial support for professional development or access to mini-grants.



Participating schools can progress through the three CT Green Leaf Schools levels:



  • Submit a Letter of Commitment

  • Complete the Enrollment Form


  • Access to listserv

  • Quarterly newsletter



  • Form a Green Team

  • Complete the Self-Assessment


Oak Tree


  • Accomplish a Green LEAF Goal

  • Fulfill professional development


Ready to join?
Our Enrollment Form is the only thing required to become a CT Green LEAF School

Forming a Green Team

Are you an Acorn member ready to advance to Sapling?

It's time to begin assembling your Green Team! No matter your role and wherever you're starting point, the formation of a cohesive, representative, and inclusive Green Team is one of the most critical determining factors for the long-term success of your program. No one can do this work alone. Below are a few guidelines and helpful hints for bringing your team together. 


Each school is unique, with unique goals and resources. Consider including people from all levels and from many different sectors of your school community on your Green Team. Think about who your “champions” are and maintain an open invitation to your entire school community to recruit and sustain Green Team members.




Administrators understand the complexities of your school and are in contact with those who can make change happen. Consider including administrators on the district level who might also serve as consultants as needed.

Facility Staff

Engage your facility manager (custodian), maintenance, and food services staff. Depending on your projects, you may need their expertise to succeed in your greening efforts. They have a wealth of knowledge about the inner workings of your school!


Consider including the extended school family, PTA/PTO members, and school board members in your Green Team.  Each has a unique view of the school and can be valuable supporters.


Including teachers (para-educators, librarians, specialists) on your team is a must! They can communicate with peers and rally support as projects and activities unfold. Teachers are key to connecting the greening of your school to classroom curriculum.


No school project can succeed without students - let them lead the way! Include different grade levels and integrate projects into your curriculum. We want youth voices to be heard and ask that you train student representatives on how to participate fully in team conversations. Consider tapping into existing student clubs.


Members of your community can be valuable assets to your Green Team or as consultants or activity partners. Your team may focus on projects that benefit from community support, for example, from a local Garden Club, landscaper, or Department of Public Works.

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Your next step: Self-Assessment

Once you've established your Green Team, it's time to start your CT Green LEAF Self-Assessment. You will automatically receive access to your individualized tracking tool as soon as you submit the Green Team form!








You will emerge from this process with more questions than answers and lots of ideas about how and where to take action. From there, the team can identify initiatives or projects that they would like the school to work on. Be realistic with your initial work, and recruit partners to help. For example, you might recruit one grade level to estimate or measure trash and provide that calculation to the team, or work with the PTO on a schoolyard clean-up project. Each new partnership adds volunteers, interest, commitment and investment in your school’s efforts to go greener.  Questions?  Email us!

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