Join Us!
The climate emergency is real.
Connect with COEEA and turn anxiety into action.
We are offering free membership at the individual level for anyone who is enthusiastic about outdoor education, passionate about environmental literacy, or concerned for the future of all living beings who call Connecticut home.
As a collective of environmental education professionals, classroom teachers, civic leaders, youth activists, decision makers, advocates, nature centers, and other like-minded folks and organizations throughout the state, we can advance policy, practice and equity in environmental learning.
To forge a stronger coalition that's more accessible to everyone, the COEEA Board of Directors decided to remove all individual level membership fees. Donations are always welcome and will help us fulfill our mission. Do you have time and energy to share? Consider volunteering with one of our action teams (see details below).
Member Benefits
Exclusive discounts on COEEA's annual Conference and other events
Access to COEEA Mini-Grants to support innovative environmental education projects
Stay connected with the COEEA Listserv for the latest events, news, job postings, and more!
Valuable networking opportunities with colleagues and organizations in environmental and outdoor education
Professional development resources to grow your skills and advance your career in the field
Free unlimited access to all Green Teacher publications, webinars, and teaching tools
Special discounts on educational materials and professional training from The Outdoor Learning Store
Interested in joining as an Organizational member?
Learn more here!
Action Teams
Action Teams are aligned with specific COEEA initiatives, such as Awards, CT Green LEAF Schools, Conference, Mini-Grants, etc. Each team sets its own agenda to work towards a goal or project, so the responsibilities vary from team to team. Action Teams meet independently of Board meetings, and can include both Board and regular COEEA members.
Interested in joining an Action Team? Contact us!
Become a Sponsor
Would you like to expand your audience while supporting the advancement of outdoor education and environmental literacy in Connecticut? Due to the support of our organizational members, funders, and sponsors, COEEA has always been able to keep our programs free or affordable. Your contribution can help us do even more!
Workshop Sponsorship
Cover the costs of facilitators and materials to offer free training during the conference or other programming events throughout the year
CT Green LEAF Schools Sponsorship
Help us provide targeted guidance to our GLS members, launch school-based environmental projects, and host training events for Green Teams
Mini-Grants Sponsorship
Directly support local projects that increase environmental literacy or advance diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice in environmental initiatives
Contact us at to discuss sponsorship opportunities.